Join Behind Enemy Lines

Behind Enemy Lines is an anti-imperialist organization based on two principles:

  • We stand with the people of the world against US imperialism
  • We bring anti-imperialist resistance to the masses of people

Anyone who agrees with those two principles and our mission statement should become a member. General membership is $50 annually, and includes a BEL shirt and invitation to bi-monthly members only Zoom calls. Members are encouraged to take up our campaigns and link up with other members to build chapters. Declare your allegiance to the people of the world, join BEL! Become a member by making a contribution to our Venmo, and shoot us an email: antiimperialistresistance (AT), or hit us up on instagram.

“Rather than engage in routinized protests that threaten no one or begging the rulers for concessions, we envision a militant anti-imperialist movement that throws wrenches in the gears of the war machine, develops anti-imperialist consciousness far and wide, deprives the empire of loyal soldiers, and aims to stop new imperialist wars through mass resistance.”
-Behind Enemy Lines mission statement